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Our Mission

The DVSAC GED program provides opportunities for people that were not able to complete their high
school diploma. Education is the key to opening your future. We want to reach anyone in the area that
desires to better their life. We value all our students, no matter what point they are at in their life..


  •  The GED program was formerly housed at the Haven Shelter. We initially moved to FASI at RHS.  We have since relocated to the Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Center.  Exact same GED program, different location.   The program has been in existence for over 25 years in Idaho Falls and has graduated over 1000 students from various counties in that timeframe.
  • Is a non-profit fast track GED program for students of any age who struggled for any reason with mainstream schooling. This program was started over 25 years ago because we felt there was an entire section of the population that could not obtain their GED because they were not able to attend mainstream GED classes because of time constraints, job constraints, parenting, made some mistakes in their past and had to stop and start, mental health issues.
    • Mainstream teaching style did not work for how you learn
    • Needed to be employed
    • Bullying
    • Were involved in drugs/alcohol dependency
    • Were involved with friends that steered you away from school
    • Moved numerous times and too difficult to keep up
    • Family life was not stable
    • Mental health issues
    • Illness
    • Pregnancy and parenting responsibilities
    • Pandemic impacted students and learning
  • The program is completely free of charge, including testing at College of Eastern Idaho.
  • Provides outreach to programs such as in-patient drug treatment in Idaho Falls and Blackfoot.

Think Like a Proton, Always Positive

Thank you to Our Major Sponsors

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